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Wordle & Worship (and a Free Download)

Writer: Christin HuntChristin Hunt

Husband: "Got it in three!"

Son: "What? No way! I'm on four."

Me: "Same here... Oh- yea, got it in four."

Son: "Ah! Double letter. That was rude."

Such is a typical morning conversation as we lean against the kitchen counters, phones in hand as we wait for our coffee to brew. Wordle, the 5-letter word guessing game, has taken over the world, and has become a part of our family routine, with the younger girls jumping in whenever they happen to be early risers.

As a homeschool mom I love learning through play, so when I saw the chance to expand vocabulary, assist in spelling, build up logic, AND include a "together activity" I decided I needed a way to make this game a bit more accessible for the kids. Hence this file!

Wordle has been a fun addition to our family building, and a neat way to connect with friends who also play. But there are days when either my brain is fuzzy or the word is extra tricky, and playing just isn't very fun. Having to guess your way through a word, using as much logic as possible, and still ending up with far too many options than the 6 guesses allow can be incredibly frustrating. According to my hasty Google search, Wordle has upwards of 12,000 guessable words, and 2,300+ solutions. There are so many words to choose from every day and SO many ways to get it wrong, yet there is still only one right answer.

As it is with the gospel... but with one major difference. Similarly, there is only one right answer for salvation, and that's Jesus. But unlike Wordle, we don't have to guess as to how to reach Him. Jesus is proclaiming Himself and welcoming us to Him, no guessing required. If we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in our hear that God raised Him from the dead we will be saved! Our only right answer for heaven is Jesus and He has offered Himself freely. And that is worthy of worship!



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