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Seven days.  Just seven days.  In exactly one week, my world, which has a habit of turning upside down on a whim, will be rocked yet again.

For the past 39 weeks (which, contrary to most assumptions, is TEN months, not nine) I have been the habitat of a little life.  That life has grown within me and, as she has progressed, my energy has waned.  I am tired.  Scratch that.  I’m exhausted.  With two other littles to care for, ages 6 and 3, my husband to love on, a home to tend, two businesses to manage, and multiple ministries at our church, I have reached my end.

And so I’ve said no.  No to teaching voice or piano lessons.  No to pursuing voice overs.  No to helping at church.  No… to anything other than caring for myself, my children, and my husband.  I’ve even said no to cleaning the bathrooms!! (I’m hiring a sweet teenage gal to do that for me!)  For the next three months, I am choosing to just say, ‘no.’

And that’s ok.

I am not called to be superwoman.  It is not my responsibility to keep life perfect (or even enjoyable!) for everyone around me.  My job is simply to reflect Jesus to those I come in contact with, doing an excellent job at what my hand and heart finds to do, based on what I know to be Jesus’ will for me.

I firmly believe that Jesus has given me (and you!) just what we need to accomplish that which He’s called us to do.

2 Timothy 3:17All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the (wo)man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 
2 Corinthians 9:8And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all time, you may abound in every good work.

He has given us the tools, the talents, the TIME we need to be faithful to His will…  So often we reach the end of a diligent day, mourning the fact that we weren’t able to cross everything off our to-do list, and we blame the sufficiency of Christ to sustain us.  WRONG.  There’s nothing wrong with Jesus, His will, or His strength made available to us.  There’s everything wrong with our list.

See, in different seasons of our walk with Jesus, we are called to pursue different amounts of life-filling activities.  Jesus NEVER demands too much of us.  We OFTEN demand too much of our selves.  

The phrase “too much much on our plate” unfortunately paints a picture of everyone holding a platter, comparing their abilities to balance the same amount of life.  Based on how strong they are, how talented they are, how spiritual they are, there ends up being a competition of who can cram the most good things into their schedule.  Usually, the folks we view as “having it all together,” are the ones whose platter is heaping, perfectly balanced, tremendously full.


Not everyone is holding a platter.  Jesus has given each of us a different sized plate, with just enough room to hold the BEST things- the life He has called us to.  Now there are folks who HAVE been given a platter, and have subsequently been given the strength, energy, and time to carry it, laden with many responsibilities.  

There are others who hold a dinner plate, with the ability to accomplish many things, all of which Jesus has called them to.  They do an excellent job in many ministries, but are not over-committed to a myriad of “good things”; they hold out for the “best things.”

I’m currently holding onto a salad plate; I have just enough power to care for myself, my family, and my home.  These are the BEST things– the things that I KNOW Jesus has called me to.  There are many other opportunities I could pursue- all “good,”- but they don’t fit on my plate.  Not in this season of my life.

And then there are those who are currently holding a saucer.  And their only job is to simply trust Jesus.  In that season of their lives they are unable to care for themselves, much less others.  They are called to be still and know that Jesus is God.

What sized plate have you been given in this season of your life?  Are you feeling overwhelmed by everything you think you need to accomplish?  Or are you finding that you have an abundance of empty time that encourages a lazy/selfish/unprofitable lifestyle?

Take a good, hard look at your schedule and talk to Jesus.  Consult Him first, before you pen anything else on your calendar.  Seek Him, and you will KNOW what He has called you to accomplish.  You may be faced with an exercise in humility when you must back out of a “good thing.”  But remember- any “good thing” which steals you away from Jesus’ “best things” then becomes a “bad thing.”

My salad plate is full, but Jesus has given me just what I need to accomplish everything I’m called to do– including finding nap time for myself, and cuddle time with my family.  My job in this season is to reflect Jesus to my family, and that is enough.

Oh, that I would have a heart so tender, that I am driven to prayer with every breath! I wish to claim for myself the promise of knowing Christ more… I wish to be a prayer warrior… With a humble heart And bleeding knees.

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