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Reviewing #takeaways from Sunday’s service... Realizing that David, a man after God’s own heart, experienced bitter consequences in light of his sin. We cannot truly know David’d heart, but we can see a level of complacency that crept into his relationship with God after 50 years of faithfulness. David clearly understood the calling of the king, and yet pushed those rules to the side, possibly thinking that God wouldn’t mind. How often do we also, in the joy of being God’s friend, discount the infinite vastness between our stations? May we never become complacent in the pursuit to know Him more.

Last year, when we were about to lose our housing, I sat down, scrawled out a poem, turned on my voice memos, and created this piece. I then set it aside and forgot about it. When perusing old recordings this evening, though, I teared up listening to this. I needed to be reminded that “He is faithful to be good, and He is good to me.“ May I ever remember that truth.

This is what I must remember: Gratitude begins with the realization that we deserve nothing. Everything we have is by grace. Grace alone. In our utter dependence rests our absolute thanks. And the more we know the One to whom our existences depend, the more we will appreciate the abundance He lavishes upon us.

To know Him more,


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