It is easy to express thanks for comfort and convenience. Thankfulness for ease is practically passive. Being grateful for the hard things in life, however, is a skill. It is a purposed, intentional act, and can be a difficult task. Yet "giving thanks for everything" is a command, and is a beautiful reflection of our understanding of the sovereignty of God.
Counting My Blessings Through November, Week 4
Originally shared via Facebook, 2021

#22 I am thankful for my aging body. It is a sweetness to know that I will not be trapped in my sinful state for all eternity, and every ache and pain whispers the hope of heaven.
The pain tore through my lower back, setting my ankle on fire and triggering an instant migraine.
Sciatica. It’s not fun. But the Lord has seen fit to grant me the opportunity to experience this pain, and I must trust that his good and faithful hand would have withheld this brokenness if any other circumstance would have brought about his greatest glory and my greatest growth.
So the question is not, “why?” The questions are, “Do I trust that God is good? Do I trust that he is all powerful? Do I trust that he is sovereign? Do I trust that he is wise?“
If he was powerful without goodness, or sovereign without wisdom, or good without power God would be too small. But with every one of those attributes I can trust that his character permeates his allowance.
It still hurts, but as I learn to respond well, I am looking more like Jesus. Because of that, every pain is entirely worth it.

#23 I am thankful for inflation (including CA gas at nearly $5/gallon), for my default purchases and activities become mindful and prioritized.
I typically spend most of my mad money on home decor and art supplies. Simply by that peek into our finances you can safely guess that I love beauty and creativity.
As prices are going up, however, I am having to decide: if I get more (really nice) watercolor paper, I may have to switch to single-ply toilet paper. *gasp!*
Believe me, that will NEVER happen! As long as there are pennies to pinch my luxury of 2-ply will remain a priority! Because apparently I treasure comfort more than beauty or creativity.
But I may not have known that about myself were it not for the opportunity make these choices.
It is truly a gift to have such clarity in your heart’s priorities, and it is an opportunity I must not neglect.
What are your heart’s priorities? Does it include giving? Hospitality? Caring for others? Pursuing Health? Or do your priorities reveal a fear for the future, or a selfish mindset? How have you grown in this area over the last seasons?

#24 I am thankful for annoying people. ALL of them. Even the ones in my family. Even myself. Because I get to practice grace. A lot.
I figured that using a personal example for this one could lead to a few injured hearts because, depending on my current mood, EVERYONE has the opportunity to land in my “y’all are SO annoying” collection. 😉
But that’s the point: annoyance is hinged on little more than preference and personality.
If a believer in our lives is continually sinning, our calling is to be grieved by their lack of reverence towards God and call them to repentance. Likewise we are summoned to woo the unbeliever to the saving knowledge of Jesus, continually placing our hope in the Holy Spirit’s work of salvation.
For all those who must regularly interact with folks who are not in sin, yet continually crunch their ice, tap on your arm, talk with their mouth full, scrape their fingernails across upholstery, talk over your conversations, turn the topic towards themselves, retell the same stories over and over, forget to put their fork in the dishwasher, laugh in that weird way, or rarely fill the gas tank (all of which have bugged me at one time or another), we are called to LOVE them.
Between them and Jesus, if they are made aware that their habits are unwise or unkind, they should work hard to love others well out of the outpouring of their love for Jesus.
For us, however, who are driven to the brink of insanity via others’ insensitivity, there are opportunities to express our preferences in a humble manner, but if those opinions are ignored we must continue to showcase Christ through our love, our patience, continual joy, consistent peace, ready kindness, faithful goodness, and fixed self-control.
And Grace. So much Grace.
If love hopes all things, then we must hope that God will use those ‘thorn-in-the-flesh’ friends to build in us a clearer reflection of Jesus, while also hoping (until we are objectively proven wrong) that those annoying traits are not malicious.
If we are called to ‘stir one another up to love and good deeds’ and if we are ‘stirred up’ to annoyance, can we train our response to practice ‘stirring up’ others to Christlikeness?
Our pet peeves are simply our coddled pride, aching for an excuse to withhold love towards others. Ouch.

#25 I am thankful for middle-of-the-night interruptions, because I am reminded that my God never sleeps, and he is forever delighted to meet my every need.
“The only person who dares wake up a king at 3:00 AM for a glass of water is a child. We have that kind of access.” -Timothy Keller
Potty runs, sleepwalking children, nightmares, and the like, all seem to rob our sleep. But when we respond with grace those interruptions turn into opportunities for praise and thanks. The next time I am up at 3am, I hope I will run to Jesus. Because he is there, and he always welcomes me.

#26 I am thankful for traffic and silly drivers, for there are few other places where we are so vividly reminded of the depravity of man... and their need for a Savior.
I get it—it’s hard to remember and trust that God ordained silly, inconvenient people to be RIGHT THERE at that precise moment in time for His glory.
And though I’ve never had a problem with road rage, or even getting frustrated with silly drivers, I can absolutely relate to similar situations when I’ve responded poorly to my schedule or comfort being compromised in other contexts.
But here’s the takeaway: If my God is big enough to command time and existence then I can trust Him to be sovereign over little things… like a traffic jam.

#27 I am thankful for broken plans, for if I were to have my way at the cost of God's glory I would discover that I worshiped only myself.
If my absolute goal is the glory of God then I must rejoice when my plans are conformed to his, even when there is sadness in the breaking. Yet there is perfect joy amidst the pain when I know that through the hard things I am brought closer to my ultimate desire.

#28 I am thankful for discomfort, for I have found no better place in which to realize and repent of my pride, while simultaneously learning of the sufficiency of Christ.

#29 I am thankful for allergies, because with every adverse reaction I am reminded that I am naturally wired to respond to that which is bad for my body, even without knowing why.
The Holy Spirit is the sweetness of God residing in our very person. And one of His gifts is in illuminating the Word of God that we might understand that which is His will.
He pricks our heart to sorrow over hidden sin that we had not known of before, and brings about the joy of righteousness through obedience. Before we mentally grasp aspects of God’s character He is already moving in our heart to prepare a right response.
Just as our physical bodies are prepared to alert us to that which is harmful, our soul is tethered to a faithful plumb-line which measures every path against the Truth.
So as I sneeze, perhaps I can remember how the Spirit works to shape me more to the likeness of Christ through a better understanding of how to live rightly.
(Reprinted from the backlogs of Social Media. As Jesus leads me to pursue a career in writing I am called to serve my readers with faithfulness and excellence. I have been stewarded with a sweet gathering of email friends, and to serve them well means I have the opportunity to strengthen my blogging skills as well as my Social Media presence. In that I am pulling my favorite Instagram posts, spiffing them up a bit, and sharing them here. For those who are receiving this post via email and would like to join my darling Insta family as well, you are invited to visit me HERE.)