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Did you say no to assistance? Why?

🌿I once had a sweet, blue-haired lady offer to help me in some way, and I attempted to refuse. She then had the kindest, most stern look on her face and practically wagged her finger as she said, “Don’t you dare refuse me the opportunity to be blessed, simply because you think you’re being nice. Each time you refuse help you are robbing others of a blessing.”

🌿 Remember, dear sister, that Jesus wired us for community. We are in each other’s lives for the sake of worshiping Jesus through service to others. In order to serve others, however, we must have someone to serve, which implies that we in turn must be humble to accept that service.

🌿 The ability to care for yourself is not a sin. We are to be good stewards of our energy and resources. Those that neglect the proper care of themselves in the guise of “allowing others to serve” encourages a dangerous heartstance. So do what you can, but when you can’t, also beware the pride of self-sufficiency that refuses needed help.

🌿Jesus’ rescue plan was in place long before any of us realized we needed rescuing. In the same way, many of us have unknown needs that we are ourselves unaware of until we accept the kind assistance of a friend.

🌿Serving others is wonderful, and those that do so will reap beautiful blessings. Humility in accepting that help, though, is a blessing in and of itself. 🌿

If you are having a difficult time cultivating a thankful heart, I’ve created a gift for you. Here are 25 ways to practice gratitude when you feel especially unthankful for your current circumstances. If you are reading this, then I have been praying for you- that your heart would be filled with the joy and peace of Christ that supersedes every hard circumstance. I love you. 🌿

Free ebook

🌿My alarm for today is set for 6:23am. Yet I have been up for the past few hours with the kitty we are fostering. She had somehow escaped the pampered room I created for her, and has been going up and down the bamboo-floored hallways yowling in angst for her owner. Between the claw marks in my shoulders as I tempted to cuddle her into calm, and the beginning growls in my ear as she tried desperately to escape and continue terrorizing our two house cats, my peace was seriously frazzled.

Indy the foster kitty. Super sweet, absolutely beautiful, but not convenient.

🌿How precious it was, then, to watch Kathy Howard’s devo on the launch page for her new book, Deep Rooted, saturated in the gospel.

🌿Oh, the gospel- the BEST GOOD NEWS you’ll ever find. It’s the reason I am able to show love to anyone, including my family members as I sacrifice my sleep to let them keep theirs, this feisty kitty missing her owner, and her owner by extension. It all comes down to the gospel.

🌿My peace is back intact though my brain and body are tired, and I’m already looking forward the nap I have scheduled with my girlies (as we’re all sick). But Jesus is sweeter, and the GOOD NEWS of His love and it’s transformative power keeps me going through the hardest times and the most bitter sovereignty. In the grand scheme of things a yowling kitty is but a blip of inconvenience. But even a foster cat can be used to showcase Christ.

🌿May I ever #KnowHimMore, that I might remember the gospel in every moment, and steward it well.

You can find Kathy’s book via the link- I recommend it! #DeepRootedDevo

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