🌿If “God speaks to you” with anything that is NOT directly from Scripture, be careful. Be VERY careful. He has already spoken. He continues to speak through His living Word. Are we listening? And to WHAT are we listening?

(RP/edit from 2019 via Ferocious Truth)
🌿As a side note, if you choose a “word” for your year, please first examine your heart and motives against Scripture. Have you been encouraged towards a facet of growth that you’ve purposed to give intentional focus to over the next year, and are using this single word as a rallying cry towards that aim, seeking Christ first as He continues to sanctify you? Then go for it!
🌿If, however, your word is a summons for God to team up with you to fulfill in your life everything you think that word implies, then take care you are not buying into a passive divination mindset.
🌿And if you’re not sure as to which camp in which your word rests, may I suggest your “word” be THE WORD? Get into a Bible study that studies GOD, rather than simply what you should do or who you should be. Read through the Bible (or even just the OT or NT) in a year. Start memorizing big chunks of scripture. Just get into THE Word.
🌿I really don’t have any problems with “choosing a word” for the year, as long as it is subservient to the primary focus of KNOWING GOD. Because, if you are seeking Him first, everything else will fall into place.